Stewardship & Film-making Perspectives - Islands Trust

From the perspective of the Islands Trust, Local Trust Committee (LTC), the freshwater stewardship, Shaped By Water film-making project, closely aligns with the Trust’s mandate to preserve and protect the Islands Trust Area, and with the LTC’s priorities around:

  • Protection of the Coastal Douglas Fir and Associated Ecosystems

  • Water Sustainability and Watershed Protection.

Since the community last updated its Official Community Plan in 2008, we are more aware of our limited freshwater resources. Many take for granted that they can turn on the tap and out comes potable fresh water. However, here on an island where 100% of the water comes from rain that either traverses through seasonal streams into lakes or passes through rock fractures to wells, it is important to understand how to be a responsible consumer of this resource.

The Shaped by Water film project will help to address both increasing community awareness of "our islands freshwater" , and our joint responsibility and accountability for these precious resources.

Laura Patrick ( ) - a Salt Spring Island, Islands Trust, Local Trustee who proudly supports the Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society’s leadership to raise the necessary funds and to produce an educational film about the importance of freshwater and watersheds on the island."


Stewardship & Film-making Perspectives - Salt Spring Island Conservancy


Why make a film?